
1st Call for Papers

2023-01-17 10:44:26Hits: 361

The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China: 1st Call for Papers




     The 10th International Conference on ELT in China(ELT2023) will be held in Chengdu on Oct. 13-15, 2023 by China English Language Education Association. The 1st International Conference on ELT in China was held in Guangzhou in 1985. The conference has promoted the development of English language teaching and research in China and enhanced the communication between ELT teachers, researchers in China and their international counterparts. The theme for ELT2023 is “Advancing Digital Transformation, Innovating English Language Education”.  We invite proposals for symposia, individual papers and posters. 


I. Conference theme 

Theme: Advancing Digital Transformation, Innovating English Language Education


Innovative Foreign Language Education Theories

Whole Person Education in English Courses

Digital Technology & English Language Teaching

Mixed Method  English Language Teaching Research

Teaching Materials Development and Research

College English Language Teaching and Research

English Language Teaching and Research for English Majors

English Language Teaching and Research in Primary and Secondary Schools

English Language Teaching and Research in Vocational Schools and Colleges

Teaching and Research of Country and Regional Studies,

English for Specific Purposes Teaching and Research

Translation and Interpreting Teaching and Research

Literature Teaching and Research

Linguistics Teaching and Research

Production-oriented Approach,

X Theory,

Critical Thinking English Teaching and Research

Cross-cultural English Teaching and Research

Second Language Acquisition,

Foreign Language Teacher Development

Assessment and Testing,



English Medium Instruction (EMI),

Other related topics


II. Conference information 
Time: October 13-15, 2023
Venue: Sichuan University, Chengdu
Organized by: China English Language Education Association 
Hosted by: Sichuan University
Co-hosted by: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 

Working Languages: English and Chinese


III.  Forms of Presentation
We invite proposals for symposia, individual papers, and posters. An abstract can only be submitted to one form of presentation. 

A symposium will be allocated a 2-hour block. Organizers may invite 4 to 6 panel members. Each symposium consists of an introduction, presentations, discussion (optional), Q&A, and conclusion. The symposium organizer need to provide the title, symposium introduction and all the abstracts. 

 Individual Paper Presentations

A block of 25 minutes will be designated for an individual paper presentation, in which 20 minutes are for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Titles and abstracts of individual paper presentations, either in English or Chinese, need to be submitted. If the abstract is in Chinese, English title and abstract should also be provided, while indicating the presentation will be in Chinese. 

 Poster Presentations 
Please submit titles and abstracts, either in English or Chinese. 



   ●Proposals for all presentations and posters should include a title (no more than 20 words), an abstract (no more than 250 words), and a shorter abstract (no more than 50 words) to be included in the conference program. Information about authors need include: name, title, education, affiliation, email and mobile number.


   ●Symposium proposals need include the symposium title (no more than 20 words), a 350-word description, the titles(no more than 20 words) and abstracts (no more than 250 words) of all the speeches, as well as a brief 75-word description of the symposium and 50-word abstracts of all the speeches to be included in the conference program. 


All proposals should be submitted online at the ELT 2023 official site:

Submission Time: March 10 – April 10, 2023

Anonymous review will be conducted by the conference committee and the acceptance letter will be sent out by May 10, 2023.

You're welcome to submit your full-length paper to the CELEA journal Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics at

Conference website:

Other Information website: (CELEA website)




The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China Committee 
China English Language Education Association

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Important Dates

Submission Time: 

March 10 – April 10, 2023


Oct. 13-15, 2023


Organized by:

China English Language Education Association

Hosted by:

Sichuan University

Co-hosted by:

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press